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Shading and Material Creation in Unreal Engine

Shading and Material Creation in Unreal Engine

A 6-week course where students will learn how to work within Node Based Shader systems, apply modular thinking when authoring Material Shaders, and how they can optimize them for Production Limitations and Guidelines
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Create master materials in Unreal Engine

Create master materials in Unreal Engine
The objective of this course is to teach students how to learn the basics and get accustomed to Node Based shader systems, whether in Unreal Engine or in other Texture Authoring Programs or Engines. They will create materials and textures for video games in Unreal Engine. Students will learn to create materials on a modular basis and learn about various advanced materials used through Video Game productions in the Industry such as Vertex Painting, Foliage Shading, Landscape Material systems and other complex shaders. By the end of the course, students will have knowledge on how to create various types of Master Materials used across many teams in Production like; Props, Environment, Characters, FX and Lighting/Cinematics.

Course Format


Skills Level



6 weeks


Once a week


Individual recordings

Lecture Type

Due each week. Expect to spend 10-20 hrs/wk viewing lectures, q&a, and time on assignments
Basic knowledge of Unreal Engine; Basic Knowledge of Texture Authoring Process, Basics of Modeling and UVing. course pre-reqs include: Advanced Substance for Environment Art
Unreal Engine, Substance Designer/Painter or any other Program to create textures

The more you know, the better.

We will go over the basics of PBR textures used in UE4 & UE5, Texture Packing and overview of the Unreal Engine Material Shader System. Also go over changes within UE5. (Add additional lesson on Texture Sampler Presets)
We will breakdown Master Materials, Instances and the overall benefit in production of using the feature. We will also work on creating parameters and basics of Math in regards to shader systems and art. (Also go over uses of Math nodes). Finally we will go over the Modular workflow of Master Materials and how we can organize better with Material Functions.

In this lesson we will go over more complex uses of Math such as; Time, Sine and Cosine as well as Panner and Rotator. We will also go over other special materials used in games, media, & flipbook animations. Things such as Transparent/Glass, Fresnel, SSS, Clearcoat and Velvet, moss, and Post Process Materials and HDRi sky materials
We will go over Landscape Materials and how we create layer blending, we also will go over other Complex Materials used by Environment and Prop teams such as Vertex Painting, Weight Painting, Position based effects and other blending techniques. Add lesson WPO World Position Offset (Moving Flag, Grass, Icicles)
This lesson will go over more complex and expensive shaders such as Parallax, Tesselation and Decals (Deferred & Mesh Decals). Breakdown differences in UE4 & UE5, Go over new uses of Displacement in UE5 and Interior Mapping.
Finally we will go over Foliage and other features currently in Unreal Engine such as Mesh Distance Fields and Virtual textures and how both can be used practically, but also Pros and Cons overall. Make Water Lesson separate as it seems too complex for Non Environment Artists. Go over Substrate materials

Real heroes don't wear capes, they teach

For specific questions regarding TBA instructors, please contact CGMA Admissions Department at registration@cgmasteracademy.com


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Jan 30, 2025 - Apr 21, 2025
Shading and Material Creation in Unreal Engine

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I became a lot more confident and fluent with the material editor in unreal. The fundamentals were made clear to me and I’m glad I took the course. Hugh was very helpful and responsive to questions.


By answering my questions mostly. ^^ Also, since Hugh have experience in the field, he can say why he’s doing something, good practices, gotchas, ect. It was also an amazing introduction to PBR.


My knowledge definately improved after this course in material and shading part. I really liked the way Hugh explain every material nodes process.


Concepts carry over to Unity, 2d shaders, and vfx work I do at my job. Helped with communicating with graphics engineers.


I know much more about shaders than before. I am not afraid of making one like I was before. He (Hugh) is a great professional.


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