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Getting Started in the Game Industry: Interviews, Portfolios, and More

Getting Started in the Game Industry: Interviews, Portfolios, and More

A 4-week course where students will develop skills for applying to jobs within the games industry.
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Get in the Game

Get in the Game
This course will focus on all aspects for applying for and getting a job as a professional artist. The classes will cover developing a portfolio that best showcases your skills, developing a resume and applying for jobs, as well as preparing to present yourself well in an interview setting. You will get individualized feedback on your portfolio and will have the opportunity to practice answering likely interview questions.This is a rare opportunity to receive direct feedback and insight from an industry recruiter. We will also bring in a professional artist to provide more in-depth feedback from an artist’s perspective on students’ portfolios. By the end of this class, students should have a completed portfolio of their best work as well as a solid understanding of what employers typically look for in portfolios. Students will also have developed and improved skills in terms of applying for jobs, interviewing, and interacting with potential employers.

Course Format


Skills Level



4 Weeks


Once a week



Lecture Type

Deadlines each week
Students should be at a point in their education/career where they are ready to begin looking for a job as an artist. Students should have enough artwork to constitute a portfolio and ideally have a portfolio already in development.
Word processor (Word, Google Docs, etc.)

The more you know, the better.

Introduction to outline of the class | Applying for jobs | Overview of ideal portfolio components | Networking tips | Choosing your first job – things to consider | Overview of homework assignments (things to get started now) | Request for portfolio links so that portfolio reviews can happen over the course of the class | Resume building 101 | Cover letter writing
What to expect in an interview | Testing/work samples | Questions that may be asked | Best practices as an interviewee | Instructor will provide interview questions as a homework assignment that students can answer in written form | Following up and maintaining a relationship | What if you don’t get the job?
Now that you’ve prepared for an interview, let’s do some mock interviews using what you’ve learned | 2 or 3 live mock interviews during class (15 mins or so each). Students and instructor provide feedback
Portfolio reviews with instructor and professional artist | Wrap up any remaining areas that need a more focus/insight

Taking your skills to the next level

For specific questions regarding TBA instructors, please contact CGMA Admissions Department at registration@cgmasteracademy.com


Even though our courses are the most affordable for the quality of education, these finance options allow you to focus on your goals instead of the barriers that keep you from reaching them.

3x Payments


2x Payments


Full payment


Oct 09, 2024 - Jan 27, 2025
Getting Started in the Game Industry: Interviews, Portfolios, and More

What makes this learning experience unique?


Receive personalized feedback on all assignments from the industry’s top professionals.


Enjoy lifetime access to the spectrum of course content, including lectures, live Q&As, and feedback sessions.


Show off your Certification of Completion when you turn in 80% of course assignments.


Learn anywhere, anytime, and at your own pace with flexible, online course scheduling.

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