Pushes, Pulls and Lifts

In this course, students will continue to develop foundations in body mechanics by animating physical shots like crawling, running, and climbing–as well as intense physical action shots dealing with weight pushes, pulls, and lifts. Students will also be introduced to their first quadrupedal character using our Pigwig Rig. Students integrate the use of constraints by having a character pick up an object, use it, switch hands and set it down. Students will go deeper into the animation principles of anticipation, overlapping action, and timing and spacing, and incorporate appeal into their animations with character staging, exaggeration, aesthetics, and will be able to take their animations from realistic to cartoony and back again. More advanced students will also be given the opportunity to animate simple two character interaction shots to strengthen their ability to plan and execute a shot as well as master technical skills like setting up constraints.
Course Format
Skills Level
Lecture Type
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