Create polished characters for film and games

Course Format
Skills Level
Lecture Type
The more you know, the better.
Reference collection and analysis | Blockout Model
Establish primary forms | UV map the face | Use ZWrap to project TextureXYZ detail | Process and cleanup TextureXYZ data | Apply detail to head mesh
Bridge sculpt between low Subd and High Frequency Detail | Apply additional details to sculpt (scars, burn marks) | Demo displacement extraction to 32bit EXR format | Apply first pass color textures | Setup initial Maya lookdev scene to test displacements and basic textures
Eyeball modeling, texturing and shaders for realistic eyeballs | Align eyes | Add water line | Finalize head textures and shaders | Demo gloss map creation and additional maps | Exploration of dual lobe specular for skin
XGen in Maya | Curve generation, XGen parameters | Modifiers for noise, clumping | Look at shader parameters and how to approach color and variation
Start in Marvelous and push clothing to 50-70% completion | Move mesh out to Zbrush / Maya to create clean topology and UVs | Use new and clean topology to continue sculpting clothing | Model and UV accessories / gear | Demo different modeling techniques with emphasis on creating clean, organized meshes
Pipeline considerations before sculpting | Sculpt and Detail the character in ZBrush | Extract Displacements in ZBrush | Decimate Meshes for Painter | Assemble Maya Scene | Export to Painter
Blockout basic colors and roughness in Painter | Texture Paint different surface types in Painter
Start to assemble final scene | Gather assets, organize scene | Apply shaders and begin plugging in maps | Cloth shader setup | Leather shader setup | Metallic elements shader setup
Look at different types of lighting techniques | Demo of HDRI based lighting | Demo of Studio Lighting using area lights | Discuss light properties (falloff, light size, light distance) | Discuss cameras and camera properties (depth of field, shutter, aperture) | Final render settings | Output final renders | Post processing in Photoshop / Lightroom | Discuss production techniques and how compositing is used even though this course won’t go into render layers and compositing | Discussion on presentation in a portfolio (what to show, what not to show, breakdowns etc)

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perspective and helping you look at topics from fresh angles. It’s a
straightforward way to strengthen your studies and boost your skills.

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